Mutate IO Game Review (mutatio should you choose) is a multiplayer game identical to It is a game where you control a creature that can be fed, grown, altered and even used against others.
This game was developed to participate in an event called the Pygame Community New Years jam (theme: mutation) The game was my attempt in the jam to get to know networking better and test game design habits which I’m not used to (e.g. smaller global states).
The current server is my own:, and I am likely to maintain it for at the very least one month after the launch. Maximum concurrent users permitted is 10.
To find out more about the client as well as server issues, please refer to the README.
Discord ID #9563: Balt16
Versions explained:version 1.0.1 was released before the end of the jamversion 1.0.2 added some minor bugs fixes to the file . This file was a result of abrupt client disconnections”slim” versions are compiled versions where I have tried to strip out any DLLs or folders other folders I’m not sure is necessary in order to run the program. It is your responsibility to download the download.

The Review sponsored by minecraft porn games

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