The Orks, a savage race popularly referred to as “Green Tide,” sweep across the stars with unparalleled force in violent crusades, referred to as a waaagh! They’re brutal, savage and crude, and outnumber all other races that lay on their way to destruction.
You will become the spearhead of the Ork invasion as you bash at, smash, and blast as you swoop through the buzzing urban area of Luteus Prime on a mission to retrieve your hairsquig and claim revenge on the warlord! Perhaps you’ll even be the warboss! on the course? What happens when you are the strongest? ever been more violently thrilling!
Dakka is always enough Dakka Make use of a variety of weaponry to eradicate your adversaries and cause the destruction. There is no one that will stop you! This is the perfect method to enjoy enormous explosions and flying parts!
WAAAGH! You can feel the anger and fear rise until it bursts into a raging storm of bullets! The violence you cause enormous destruction you inflict builds up into a full blown overwhelming scream! Because Orks are built for two things that is fighting… also winning!
Orks Come together! Get your group together to fight your enemies, the Astra Militarum or Genestealer Cults and Space Marines. Or, you can just bang their heads together and determine who is the most powerful Ork is among your group.
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