Previews”Looks exactly like the game that I mentioned I was looking forward to.”
Mike Fahey, Kotaku
“It really does look all kinds of fantastic.”
Chris Capel, Gamrevolution
Conan Chop Chop, which is a mix made up of Conan and Cyanide, and full of joy in its visuals proves that dreams are possible.
Darren Bonthuys, Critical Hit
Information about the GameThe treacherous wizard Thoth-Amon has developed a plan to revive the ancient evil that is Xaltotun. If he succeeds, he will condemn the world to an eternal darkness and enslavement. Only you are the one that can prevent him from doing so. However, you will require all your skills and tact to get this done. Utilize all the skill and guile. You must summon all your courage , strength and swordsmanship. Chop Chop is the thing you have to do!
Conan Chop Chop will be the most epic and realistic stick figure game ever to take place in the realm of Conan the Barbarian, thus there’s a huge amount of gore and flying legs. This can lead to outbursts or a scream depending on your sword.
Become Conan… or other! With all the brawn, no brain? No worries! You are able to choose from the various gods of war and add accessories or weapons that suit your own personal taste.
You are on a quest for epicness and will bring peace to the planet. There will be a charge by merchants for your wares. Certain townspeople might pester you with their tasks. Don’t worry about it, some folks are willing to pay you for your hard work.
Explore in every direction! Be prepared for the shifting sands in Koth, explore the dark forest in Darkwood as you bravely traverse the sea-scarred land of Hyperboria and explore the cold the world of Vanaheim. Conan Chop Chop allows players explore the world to the left, right, upwards and down! The skilled player could discover himself soaring, dashing or bouncing diagonally which creates the most immersive 3D gaming experience.
You can loot, loot and more. Learn to gently smash the heads of your adversaries with a broom, and turn them into chop suey using an ax blade. Conan Chop Chop has a array of weapons, trinkets and other legendary pieces you can use to create any type of brutal game.
Discover amazing combinations! For a chance to slash skulls of people around you Perform the 360deg spin attack. Speed forward at the velocity of light. You can swing your sword longways as well as sideways in a battle that’ll make you gasp for air while trying to comprehend the sheer power of your fight actions.
Uncaring bosses! Prior to facing Thoth-Amon, it is imperative that you have to defeat bosses like The Giant Sand Worm of Koth and The Frost Giant of Vanaheim The Frost Giant of Vanaheim, both of whom are specifically supportive of your quest. Instead , they’ll attempt to take you down with a variety of sleazy actions like Lava Reflux, Tail Whip and Loogie Glob.
Infinite replayability! Completely random maps and tons of abilities and weapons to try out ensure that every game that you play is an entire new experience. You are bound to die more than once, but you can unlock the latest weapons ready for the next game.
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